Support CUPE 3902!
Send an e-mail to UofT in Support of CUPE 3902!
Thanks for helping the members of CUPE 3902, Unit 1, win a fair deal at the table! Our proposals are progressive and necessary to ensure good working conditions for our members and their students. Fill out the form below to send an email to UofT’s administration asking them to fairly consider our proposals!
Energy, Jobs and Transition
When: Thursday March 18th, 12pm
The ReIGNITE Talks is a webinar series that’s re-thinking and re-imagining our planet. Join us each month, as Environmental Defence aims to make sense of the world from an environmental perspective. We’ll hear from thought-leaders and change-makers on topics ranging from pollution, to health, to climate change – all while finding real-world solutions towards a sustainable future.
Join us for the fourth episode, as we take a look at how transitioning off fossil fuels will impact workers and communities in Canada. The good news is that with some smart planning and work, this is a challenge we can meet. Join Catherine Abreu of Climate Action Network, Melina Laboucan-Massimo of Sacred Earth Solar and Jim Stanford of the Centre for Future Work to learn more about how the energy transition can be fair for all.
Workers Compensation
When: March 18th, 7pm
Join us Thursday March 18th, at 7:00pm Toronto time for webinar led by @iAVGO on #migrants’ and #workers’ compensation in Ontario.
Twitter poster |
US and Canadian Labour: A Comparison
When: Thursday March 18th, 7:30pm
Join us for a discussion of the similarities and differences between unions of both nations, and how each can learn from history to strengthen worker power.
– Sara Nelson, President of the Association of Flight Attendants – CWA, AFL-CIO, and an outspoken exponent of strengthening the American labour movement.
– Alvin Finkel, Professor Emeritus, History, Athabasca University. Prominent Canadian historian and author; President of the Alberta Labour History Institute.
The Right to Care in the Time of COVID
When: Friday March 19th, 3pm
The Case of Nursing Homes – with Dr. Pat Armstrong, Distinguished Research Professor in Sociology at York University.
Moderated by: Dr. Bryan Evans, Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, Ryerson University.
Canada’s Climate Action Plan
When: March 19, 7:30pm
A Seniors for Climate Action Now! (SCAN!) event:
SCAN! Education Committee, Environment Haliburton and Climate Action Muskoka are co-hosting a virtual presentation.
“Canada’s Climate Action Plan – the Good, the Bad and the Ugly” – authored by David Robertson and Terry Moore – is a very extensive, and unique, look at the Federal Government Climate plan.
Register at
Building Solidarity
When: Saturday March 20th, 1pm
Suggested Donation: $25 or pay-what-you-can.
Join Jeremy Corbyn and Niki Ashton live in conversation as they discuss how can we build a strong progressive politics.
The system is broken, but it doesn’t have to be this way.
Around the world, people are faced with crises in common: growing inequality, the rise of the far right and the threat of climate change. The Covid crisis in particular has pointed to how the global neoliberal agenda of austerity, privatization, and job killing trade deals have been deadly for too many.
Here in Canada, the Covid crisis has shown us how our Elders and seniors, how Indigenous communities, and how working people have paid the price of neoliberal policies – all too many with their lives.
Instead of a bold progressive vision put forward by leaders like Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders, we have more of the same political leadership that places profit ahead of people.
Hosted by Progressive International |
Together for Racial Justice
When: March 20th, 3pm
The fight for racial justice is happening everywhere: from the streets of our cities to the bargaining tables of our workplaces. Building from widespread mobilizations for Black lives, it’s time to step up our fight across North America. Participants will get to hear from the frontlines of the fight for racial justice. Workers and union activists will share challenges, share organizing stories, and identify paths towards greater racial justice for working people.
Together for Racial Justice will feature union members from across the continent as well as Dr. Linda Murray, a Chicago physician with a long history of advocating for racial and health justice for working people.
The North American Solidarity Project is a joint project of UE and Unifor to transform the labor movement in North America based on democratic, militant, and social unionism, and true internationalism between American and Canadian workers.
Is Israel an Apartheid State? If So, What Must Be Done?
When: Sunday March 21st, 1pm
Israeli apartheid. Israel and its lobbyists boil over with anger when they hear the term. Many media outlets avoid it. Palestinians have long referred to their day-to-day realities as “apartheid.” If Israel is an apartheid state, as many argue, how can we work to end Israeli apartheid and win equality and justice for everyone living in the region? Join us for this event to hear what four of the leading authorities on the ‘Crime of Apartheid’ have to say.
Working Class Cinema in the Age of Digital Capitalism
When: Sunday March 21st, 2pm
Tickets: $7 – $11
No one is denied admission for an inability to pay. If you are unable to contribute please write to
A presentation and discussion with Massimiliano (Mao) Mollona.
Why does the story of cinema begin with the end of work? Is it because, as has been suggested, it is impossible to represent work from the perspective of labor but only from the point of view of capital, because the revolutionary horizon of the working class coincides with the end of work? After all, the early revolutionary art avant-garde had an ambiguous relationship with capitalism: it provided both a critique of commodification while also reproducing the commodity form. Even the cinema of Eisenstein, which so subverted the bourgeois sense of space, time, and personhood, at the same time standardized and commodified working-class reality with techniques of framing and editing that molded images on the commodity form.
Defund the Police: Banner Painting!
When: Sunday, March 21st, 3pm
Where: Dufferin Grove Park, 875 Dufferin St.
We’ll paint a banner that says “Fund our Communities DEFUND THE POLICE”
*Meet at the picnic tables near the fire pit just south of the outdoor ice rink *Masks *Distancing
Facebook event
Making Good Trouble
When: Sunday March 21st, 3pm
International Day For The Eradication Of Racism 2021
The Toronto and York Region Labour Council and the Urban Alliance on Race Relations are proud to present, Making Good Trouble: An online forum on the International Day for the Eradication of Racism and Discrimination. The forum will feature conversations around racial justice as it relates to allyship, education, health, workplaces and our broader society.
The Rank and File Strategy
When: Tuesday March 23rd, 1pm
The Socialist Approach to Rebuilding the Unions: Kim Moody and Kate Doyle Griffiths in conversation about updating the rank and file strategy and how it applies to labor organizing today.
With the growth of the new socialist movement, a debate has emerged over strategy in the union movement. Kim Moody, author of
On New Terrain: How Capital is Reshaping the Battleground of Class War, will join
Spectre editor Kate Doyle Griffiths to explain, discuss, and update the classic rank and file strategy and contrast it with the various alternatives on the contemporary left.
Socialist Register 21 Launch and Tribute to Leo Panitch

The North American launch of
Socialist Register 21: Beyond Digital Capitalism, with presentations by Greg Albo, Sam Gindin, Bryan Palmer, Joan Sangster, Stephen Maher, Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Tanner Mirrlees, and Derek Hrynyshyn, and short tributes to the life and work of Leo Panitch (1945-2020).
Cuba’s Contributions in the Fight Against the COVID-19 Pandemic

By Franklin Frederick
The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the failure of most Western capitalist countries in their public health policies. Decades of neoliberal austerity, of cuts in health and education programs induced by restructuring programs by the IMF and the World Bank, are now showing their results in alarming numbers of contagion and deaths spreading throughout Latin America, Europe and the USA.
The Bullet No. 2330
The Responsibility of Revolutionary Intellectuals in Building Socialism

By Michael A. Lebowitz
When we talk about intellectuals, we have to recognize, of course, that there are many varieties of intellectual. So, let me be specific. I’m not talking about traditional intellectuals nor about academics. I am talking about intellectuals who are committed to building socialism. Further, my comments are not directed specifically about Venezuelan intellectuals – that would be inappropriate for me as a visitor. So, my comments are general rather than specific to Venezuela.
The Bullet No. 2331
Closing the Enforcement Gap: The Pandemic and Precarious Employment

Leah Vosko interviewed by Bruce Kecskes and Amadeus Narbutt
As of March 15th, Ontario will have spent a full year in some form of lockdown. More than 22,000 Ontarians have died from COVID-19, hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost, and the insufficiency of both the economic and public health responses have caused the burden of insecurity and illness to fall disproportionately on the backs of the most vulnerable people living in the province. Through this crisis, labour, precarity, and the future of work have been a salient topic – from the concept of ‘essential work’ to the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) and unemployment benefits.
The Bullet No. 2332
Ethiopia: Between Famine and Military Stalemate

Paulos Tesfagiorgis interviewed by Pierre Beaudet
During the liberation war from the mid-seventies to the early 1990s, Paulos Tesfagiorgis was head of the Eritrean Relief Agency (ERA), the central organism that organized the provision of goods in the liberated areas of Eritrea and supported the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front (EPLF) shadow state they had set up throughout the country until their victory in 1991. As a senior member of the EPLF, Tesfagiorgis was involved, along with Isaias Afwerki, in the core leadership until the end of the 1990s, when serious cracks occurred within the government and the party, which led to the imprisonment and exile of many leaders, including Ministers and journalists and Tesfagiorgis.
The Bullet No. 2333
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We’re currently hiring for Business and Growth Manager (open until filled) and Editor in Chief (open until filled).