CSJ Newsletter

September 30, 2021


Full steam ahead for a Canada-wide child care plan

It is full steam ahead for the Canada-wide child care plan! Child care was a major issue throughout the federal election and a majority of voters supported a party that supports child care. With the re-election of the Liberals, the federal government will be moving ahead with its $10/day plan. Now Ontario must move forward on child care too!


Stop Hybrid Classes in the TDSB

We – the parents, students, and education workers of the TDSB – call on you to immediately honour your stated commitment that every student, either in-person or virtual, would have a dedicated teacher.

In other words: stop simultaneous Learning and give students the dedicated teacher they deserve.



Orange Shirt Day, Honouring Indigenous Survivors

When: Thursday September 30th, 11am
Where: Yonge-Dundas Square

We are gathering on Orange Shirt Day — as Indian Residential School, Day School, 60’s Scoop and Millennium Scoop survivors — in order to heal, raise awareness and rise together as an Indigenous Community, both mourning the ongoing discoveries of ancestors and healing as Nations from the impacts of Canada’s genocides perpetrated to this day.

Facebook event

Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en defence of Wedzin Kwa

When: Friday October 1st, 5pm
Where: Yonge and Dundas St.

Stand up and fight back with Wet’suwet’en!

Since RCMP has violently enforced the construction of Coastal Gaslinks pipeline through unceded Wet’suwet’en territory in 2019 they still continue to enforce colonial violence against Wet’suwet’en members.

Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders take over and shut down Coastal Gaslink’s drill site. A drill site that is meant to drill under Wet’suwet’en sacred headwaters the Wedzin Kwa river.

Facebook event

Fix LTC Now!

When: October 4th, 12noon
Where: Queen’s Park, Toronto (Masks are mandatory. Provincial guidelines will be followed.)

As the Ontario Legislature opens on October 4, let’s send the biggest message we can to the Ford government, which has done substantively nothing to improve care, hold LTC operators accountable, and is, in fact, expanding for-profit privatization.

The devastation in Ontario’s long-term care homes is a scar on the soul of our province. COVID-19 exposed conditions of care and living in long-term care that are completely unacceptable.


Win Affordable Housing For Toronto

When: Wednesday October 6th, 7pm

Toronto is in a housing affordability crisis. Developers are proposing thousands of new housing units in Davenport and almost all of them are unaffordable. Only 2% of housing built or approved in the past 5 years in Toronto has been affordable.

Inclusionary zoning (IZ) is a policy tool that will require affordable rental units be included in new private residential developments. It’s one good tool that Toronto can use to help fill the affordable housing shortage for lower-income households.



Canada: No Change

By Michael Roberts

Canada’s Liberal Party prime minister Justin Trudeau has managed to get re-elected for the third time in the snap general election he called. The Liberals won or were leading in 158 seats (one more than their 2109 results), out of a total of 338 seats, and the Conservatives trailed the Liberals, winning or leading in 119 seats, three less than their 2019 result. But Trudeau will fall short of an outright majority in parliament (as before) and will need the support of the left-leaning New Democrats (25 seats) to get any legislation through.

Source: The Bullet No. 2466

The Struggle for Development: The Labouring Classes in Turkey

By Benjamin Selwyn

This essay is drawn from the preface for the newly published Turkish edition of The Struggle for Development, first published in 2017. The original edition aimed to root development thinking and practice in the analysis of class relations, and intellectual and political support for labouring class struggles. Turkey is experiencing numerous social struggles that illuminate the relevance of the arguments in this book. It is my hope that this book contributes to illuminating the social, developmental, value of these struggles.

Source: The Bullet No. 2467

Hybrid Learning Is Not Learning: Cuts, and Educational Inequalities in Ontario

By School Magazine

Let’s clear up a misnomer: hybrid learning. It’s an empty term like one people might dream up to name things like cereal: Cocoa Puffs or Fruit Loops. It’s deceptive too. What “hybrid” means is anybody’s guess, but “learning?” That means taking in knowledge, new skills, different ideas, maybe a change in behaviour. It suggests other words like grasping, appreciating, engaging – the list is long and philosophical. So, when people at the Ministry of Education in Ontario, school boards and even some educators put out the term “hybrid learning” they’re misdirecting us. They suggest that learning is taking place when some kids sit at home and watch other kids being taught kilometres away from them. No one has the slightest idea if that is happening.

Source: The Bullet No. 2468

In the Wake of the Pandemic: The Rebirth of Climate Mobilizations

By Marc Bonhomme

More than 110,000 students in Quebec went on strike September 24, according to the Coalition étudiante pour un virage environnemental et social (CEVES – Student coalition for environmental and social transition), the Quebec organizer of the demonstrations together with the Innu collective Mashk Assi, Solidarité sans frontières and Pour le futur Montréal. They marched in about a dozen cities, including Montréal, Québec, Sherbrooke, Gatineau (Ottawa), Alma, Rimouski, Granby, La Pocatière and Joliette – 10 to 15 thousand in Montréal, two to three thousand in Québec and hundreds elsewhere. As might be expected, some politicians attended, their presence and mollifying comments featured in the mass media. But a relatively large contingent from Québec solidaire contrasted with the minimal trade-union and popular presence, represented by only a few banners.

Source: The Bullet No. 2469

Post-Election Debrief

In this episode Bruce and Amadeus discuss the Canadian Federal election. We review the implications of the election results for each of the major national parties, their leaders and constituents, and continue to bemoan the strategic and political failures of the NDP.

Source: The Scarlet Standard Episode No. 20

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