CSJ Newsletter

January 27, 2022


End the injustice against Dr. Hassan Diab

Hassan Diab, a Canadian university professor and father, was extradited to France based on weak, confusing evidence, where he spent more than three years in prison, without charge or trial. Hassan was released and was able to return to Canada in 2018 after the investigative judges found significant evidence exculpating him, as well as evidence that he was not even in France at the time of the 1980 bombing of a Paris synagogue for which he was accused.

Despite no new evidence, strong exculpatory evidence, and contradictory reasoning, France’s highest court, the Cour de Cassation, has upheld the French Court of Appeal’s shocking order that Hassan must stand trial. The trial is now scheduled to take place in April 2023.



O4P: What Winning Looks Like

When: Thursday January 27th, 6pm

In this new Organizing for Power series, we look at successful organizing drives and, in conversation with the workers and organizers who led them, get to the heart of what made these campaigns work.

In this pilot episode, we meet with workers from the Charité and Vivantes hospital systems in Berlin, Germany, who recently won an incredible victory in a contract campaign with their union ver.di.


Health Worker Organizing Meeting

When: January 27th, 6pm

Health workers are determined to continue speaking up until our patients and communities have the protections they need. Organizing for paid sick days has never been more urgent.


Conversation with Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief

When: January 27th, 10pm

For over a decade the Wet’suwet’en and their allies have been demanding that the government respect their sovereign rights to live and work on their territories in ways that respect their cultural traditions and preserve their natural resources for generations to come. In spite of their victory in the Delgamuukw case, and the fact that a healing center is now in operation, the Wet’suwet’en are still being forced to fight for their rights to exist on the Yintah.

Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chief Dtsa H’yal of the Sun House of the Likhts’amisyu Clan, also known as Adam Gagnon, is the senior enforcement officer monitoring pipeline construction on Wet’suwet’en territory. He has been an instrumental advocate for the Wet’suwet’en in this struggle for respect of their sovereign rights. Chief Dtsa H’yal maintains that he, and other Wet’suwet’en Hereditary chiefs, were not properly consulted about this project and that the construction of this LNG pipeline on their territory is a violation of Canadian Law.

Facebook event

OHC Annual Health Action Virtual Assembly

When: January 29 – January 30th

2021 Derrell Dular Memorial School (Jan 29, 9:30 am), Virtual Pub Night (Jan 29, 5 pm), and OHC Annual Health Action Virtual Assembly (Jan 30).


Employment Readiness series

When: Jan 29; Feb 2; Feb 5; Feb 9; Feb 12th, 10am

Employment Readiness Series is a unique series of 8 sessions designed to enable you to succeed in the workplace and be employment ready in Canada. You need to attend 4 out of 8 sessions to be awarded the Employment Readiness certificate.


TTC Valentine Outreach

When: January 29th, 1pm
Where: Christie station

TTCriders has a Valentine message for Mayor John Tory. We’re asking him to win us back by investing in more TTC service, face masks, and the expansion of a TTC discount for workers earning low incomes. Help us spread the word and ask hundreds of transit users to sign the card.


Townhall: Migrants in Crisis! Migrants in Action

When: Sunday January 30th, 7pm

Join Migrant Rights Network – the day before politicians return to work in Ottawa – to hear from migrant leaders from across the country about the problems we are facing and the solutions we need to ensure a fair future for all. Omicron has thrown us into a deeper crisis, but Prime Minister Trudeau’s government is doing even less than before. We are forced to work in dangerous conditions without decent wages or paid sick days. We have lost work but have been left without income support. We cannot access healthcare and other basic protections. Deportations continue, and families and communities are being torn apart. This government has abandoned everyone but the rich. Join us to build a movement that can win justice for all of us.


Poets against war and militarism

When: Sunday January 30th, 7pm

Please join us for what is sure to be a delightful evening of anti-war poetry and discussion featuring former Toronto Poet Laureate and Parliamentary Poet Laureate, George Elliott Clarke, and prolific author and poet Gary Geddes.


Home Safe Toronto screening and panel discussion

When: Thursday February 3rd, 6pm

The free event will feature a screening of sequences from this ground-breaking feature film, and a panel discussion including the film’s director, Laura Sky as well as anti-poverty activist Rene Adams, and street nurse and activist Cathy Crowe who both appear in the film.



Canada Chooses Oil Companies Over Indigenous Peoples

By Zoe Craig-Sparrow, Shelagh Day and Margot Young

The contradictions couldn’t be more glaring. While recent laws passed by the federal and the British Columbia governments pledge to transform relationships with Indigenous peoples, their actions indicate otherwise. For example, in northern B.C., the Wet’suwet’en Hereditary Chiefs of all five clans oppose incursion into their traditional, unceded lands by the Coastal Gaslink pipeline.

Source: The Bullet No. 2542

Lenin’s Socialism – From the Perspective of the Future

By Tamas Krausz

There is a great variety of theories and discussions on the views of V. I. Lenin on socialism as well as on his revolutionary praxis, which often leads to chaos and intellectual-theoretical confusions. The present paper seeks to clarify some contested issues. Lenin’s theory of socialism directly derives from the views of Marx and Engels, and it is manifest in his famous work, The State and Revolution. Marx and Engels’ theory on socialism was so important for Lenin that he never gave it up, not even in the period of war communism, when for a short time he thought that the measures of war communism could accelerate the transition to socialism.

Source: The Bullet No. 2543

Left Municipal Election Platform Launched in Vancouver

As rents continue to spiral out of control amidst multiple intersecting societal crises, is Vancouver ready for a political revolution? Some local socialist organizers think so, and they’re making plans to elect some of their own to City Hall. Taking a page from Barcelona in Common, the insurgent left platform that elected and then re-elected feminist mayor Ada Colau, the Democratic Socialists of Vancouver (DSoV) are launching a pre-election platform process ahead of this year’s municipal elections.

Source: The Bullet No. 2544

Order Prevails in Berlin

By Rosa Luxemburg

“Order prevails in Warsaw!” declared Minister Sebastiani to the Paris Chamber of Deputies in 1831, when after having stormed the suburb of Praga, Paskevich’s marauding troops invaded the Polish capital to begin their butchery of the rebels. “Order prevails in Berlin!” So proclaims the bourgeois press triumphantly, so proclaim Ebert and Noske, and the officers of the “victorious troops,” who are being cheered by the petty-bourgeois mob in Berlin waving handkerchiefs and shouting “Hurrah!” The glory and honor of German arms have been vindicated before world history.

Source: The Bullet No. 2545

Climate Hooligan: Ontario Adds to the Climate Crisis

By David Robertson

As the International Energy Agency points out in its report last week, how provinces respond to the climate emergency has a huge bearing on whether Canada as a whole will achieve its 2030 climate targets. And by any accounting, Ontario is a climate laggard, more a climate hooligan. The reason is Premier Doug Ford’s Conservative government. In a federation such as Canada, emission reduction targets are a patchwork quilt of provincial ambition, originally because the Harper government’s decade of inaction and outright hostility left each province and territory to chart its own course on climate.

Source: The Bullet No. 2546

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