CSJ Newsletter

August 3, 2023



Stop Funding Climate Chaos

Canada is in the middle of the worst wildfire season on record. Communities are being evacuated from coast to coast and millions are facing unprecedented wildfire smoke and dangerous air quality.

Trudeau claims to care, but his government continues to make the problem worse. While fires rage across the country, Canada is funnelling billions of taxpayer dollars into the oil and gas industry that’s fuelling the climate crisis.

It’s time to end all public funding to Big Oil.



Canada in the World /w Tyler Shipley

When: Every Wednesday, June 28 to August 30

Tyler Shipley will be offering a free, online course from June 28-August 30 (nine weeks) on Canada’s colonial history and present, both at home and abroad, following the structure of his book Canada in the World.

All are welcome. Please message him (tyshipley@gmail.com) if you’d like to be added to the email list!


Indigenous Global Unity Summit

When: August 3rd, 11am

The Global Unity Network is delivering Education, Training and Awareness-raising programs in cooperation with the Global Unity Business Group, which is networked through an international “Unity Gardens” Network that is also helping to establish Victory and Unity teams in local communities, worldwide. These local teams engage with local citizens, including local youth, educators, decision-makers and other community members through periodic, purposeful events that focus on the delivery of learning programs and exchanges that help local Humanitarian Entrepreneurs establish various types of local Humanitarian Enterprises in their own local communities, where the local Humanitarian Entrepreneurs are also supported and empowered to achieve success through their membership in an international network of glocal networks.


Support Metro Workers

When: August 3rd, 5pm
Where: Metro, 425 Bloor St W

Solidarity rally on Thursday, August 3rd, as we stand united with Metro workers who are fighting for better wages, adequate hours, and job security. The rally will take place from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm outside the Metro at Bloor & Spadina (near Spadina Station).

The Metro workers’ fight is our fight. These frontline workers ensured our communities had food during the pandemic, and now it’s time for us to support them and help them win their fight.

By standing together we can send a powerful message to Metro and all other pandemic profiteers that ordinary people are ready to fight for decent work for all!


Canadian Foreign Policy Hour with Yves Engler

When: Mondays at 6pm

Join author Yves Engler on Mondays for a weekly news roundup and interactive discussion about Canada’s role abroad. This weekly session will delve into the latest developments on subjects ranging from military affairs and Canada’s role in Ukraine to its contribution to Palestinian dispossession, and the exploitation of African resources. Join Yves for a critical take on Canada’s foreign policy. Questions, comments, and criticisms are all welcome.


Action Against Poverty at Corner Commons

When; Every Tuesday, 5pm – 7pm
Where: Corner Commons (northwest corner of the Jane Finch Mall parking lot)

JFAAP is continuing to hold space for the Jane Finch community to support residents, expand their network, collectively respond to issues, and build on their campaign efforts. They’re excited to build community with returning and new faces this season!

If you have any questions, comments, or would like to reach out about joining, you can contact them at – info@jfaap.com, or (416) 663-2733 ext. 307.

Free Outdoor Screening

When: August 11th, 5:30pm
Where: Christie Pits Park

TPFF welcomes you to a day full of music, food and local artisans followed by a Palestinian film screening at Christie Pits Park under the stars. The event is free to the public.

Facebook event

Run for Palestine

When: August 13th
Where: Budapest Park, 1575 Lake Shore Boulevard W

Our goal is to raise money for (CRA-approved) charities operating in Palestine and Palestinian refugee camps in the Middle East. Finally, we hope to promote an active and healthy lifestyle. Run for Palestine has raised over $500,000 for various projects in the West Bank, Gaza, and the camps in Beirut, Lebanon.

runforpalestine.com | Facebook event | eventbrite.ca

System Change: An Ecosocialist Discussion on Environmental Crisis

When: Tuesday, August 15th, 7pm
Where: WAC 720 Spadina Ave, 2nd floor (suite 202)

The worst wildfire season in Canadian history, worsening environmental degradation, and the hottest week ever recorded. Amid the consequences of human impact on our planet becoming increasingly dire, large corporations – including the fossil fuel industry – continue to hold enormous sway over environmental policy and enjoy record levels of profit. Despite numerous international climate agreements and corporate pledges, market based solutions have failed at every stage to offer a credible way out of our current crisis.



The Eco Collapse We Were Warned About Has Begun

By José Seoane

In 2023, different climatic anomalies have been recorded that set new historical records in the tragic progression of climate change at the global level. Thus, in June, the surface temperature in the North Atlantic reached the maximum increase of 1.3 degrees Celsius with respect to preindustrial values. In a similar direction – although in lower values – the average temperature of the seas at the global level increased. On the other hand, the retraction of Antarctic ice reached a new limit, reaching the historical decrease of 2016, but several months earlier in the middle of the cold season.

Source: The Bullet No. 2853

Renewing the Left in South Africa: Not Just Doom and Gloom

By Mercia Andrews

This article seeks to respond to the questions posed by Amandla! which relate to the South African Left in particular: where is the Left intellectually, programmatically and organisationally? What has happened to it, and why has it become so fragmented and marginal? Given the broadness of the questions, it is necessary to engage with them within a particular timeframe. Therefore this article is located in the post-apartheid political moment.

Source: The Bullet No. 2854


Program Officer

The Ontario Arts Council (OAC) has three Program Officer opportunities for accomplished mid to senior level arts professionals who are interested in applying their arts administration experience and broad arts discipline knowledge to lead the development, oversight and administration of assigned granting programs in support of individual artists, arts groups, and arts organizations.

Remuneration: $71,209 – $107,865

Deadline Date for Submissions: August 7, 2023


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