CSJ Newsletter

June 1, 2023




Federal Cabinet will receive a proposal on regularization – permanent resident status for all undocumented people – soon. Tell them to leave no one behind. Life-changing rules that will open the door to citizenship for all migrants including undocumented people are on the horizon. We are close to winning, we need you to join us. Send a message to all Cabinet Ministers by entering your contact information on this page.


Our Pride, Our Protest, Our Demands

When: Thursday, June 1st, 11:30am
Where: Nathan Phillips Square

Join this powerful event honouring the origins of Pride as protest and confronting the City’s active support for police violence and systemic injustices, which demonstrate their disregard for human lives. Together, we demand the defunding and abolishing of the police.

This is not a moment for empty gestures or performative actions. We gather to reclaim Pride as a space for resistance and rebellion. On June 1, as the City of Toronto raises the Pride flag and officially declares “Pride Month,” let’s make a resounding statement. This event belongs to us – especially the communities most impacted by police violence and oppression.

Please note the following additional information: The City will be raising the Progress Flag at the City Hall podium roof at 12:30 p.m. on June 1st. We encourage everyone to arrive at Nathan Phillips Square by 11:30 am as we gather to return Pride to protest, uniting in our collective struggle. Help us spread the word and mark your calendars.

noprideinpolicing.ca | twitter.com

Role of artists in the climate adaptation emergency

When: Thursday June 1st, 4pm

Join award-winning artist-researcher Dr Jen Rae, who she will share experiences and lessons learned through Art House’s REFUGE – a multi-year transdisciplinary project exploring the role of artists and cultural institutions in times of climate catastrophe through multifaceted, context-specific disaster exercises.


Eglinton East LRT Consultation

When: June 1st, 6pm

The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) are working to bring rapid and reliable transit to Scarborough. The Eglinton East Light Rail Transit (EELRT) is a proposed 18 km light rail transit system through much of Scarborough, connecting Kennedy Station and the future Sheppard-McCowan Station to Malvern Town Centre and University of Toronto Scarborough Campus (UTSC). The Eglinton East LRT will increase transportation options in Scarborough and enhance access to the community, businesses, public amenities and create opportunities to improve the local economy and environment.


Launch of Disability Poverty report card

When: Friday June 2nd, 12pm
Where: Matt Cohen Park, 725 Spadina Ave

DWP is hosting a media event launching the disability poverty report card and featuring the postcard campaign calling on leaders to fast-track Bill C-22 and Budget the Benefit. Come join us to tell the finance minister, Chrystia Freeland, that Bill C-22 needs to be fast-tracked and ask that she budget an adequate benefit.


Popular Education and Economics of Abolition

When: Friday June 2nd, 5pm
Where: OISE Auditorium, 252 Bloor St. W

The neoliberal university plays a crucial role in the global value chain of knowledge production. Under the dictates of the racial capitalist regime, the intellectual industrial complex functions to capture knowledge and turn knowledge producers into intellectual captives within boundaries of disciplinary and institutional traps.

Dr. Priscilla Ferreira will discuss experiences of mutual-aid economies in popular education initiatives that she has co-created as a popular educator and community-engaged scholar. She will reflect on the role of scholars of economic justice in perpetrating or dismantling the intellectual industrial complex and suggest ideas on how to engage activist scholarship guided by the principles of solidarity economy and racial and epistemic justice.


Enough is Enough Day of Action

When: June 3rd, 12pm
Where: Nathan Phillips Square, 100 Queen St W

From wages that aren’t keeping up, to sky-high housing costs, to longer and longer hospital wait times, Ontarians deserve better. On the one-year anniversary of Doug Ford’s re-election, we’re taking to the streets to say ‘Enough is Enough!’

We know that when working people come together, we win.

On June 3, we’re demanding real solutions to the cost-of-living crisis. Will you join us?

ofl.ca | Toronto event

Racial Capitalism: From Slavery to Trumpism

When: June 5th to 16th
Where: York University

Each summer the Graduate Program of Political Science (LAPS) along with the Graduate Program in Environmental Studies and Geography (EUC) co-sponsor the International Political Economic and Ecology Summer School (IPEE).

The guest Course Director this year will be Dr. David McNally. The topic will be “Racial Capitalism: From Slavery to Trumpism”. The course will be for two weeks (3 hours/day) from June 5 – 16 from 10:00 – 1:00. The application deadline is April 17th.

Prof. McNally was a faculty member in the Department of Politics until a few years ago. We are happy to be able to invite him back for the IPEE.

For more information, please see www.yorku.ca

Canadian Foreign Policy Hour with Yves Engler

When: Mondays at 6pm

Join author Yves Engler on Mondays for a weekly news roundup and interactive discussion about Canada’s role abroad. This weekly session will delve into the latest developments on subjects ranging from military affairs and Canada’s role in Ukraine to its contribution to Palestinian dispossession, and the exploitation of African resources. Join Yves for a critical take on Canada’s foreign policy. Questions, comments, and criticisms are all welcome.


Canada Closed its Doors to Justice for Mariano Abarca

When: June 6th, 6pm

It’s been almost 14 years since prominent Mexican environment defender Mariano Abarca was killed while speaking out against a Canadian mine, and his family is still fighting for justice.

The event will be moderated by Viviana Herrera of MiningWatch Canada and Biana Mugyenyi from the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute.


Decent Work Organizing

When: Tuesday June 6th, 7pm

This is an important meeting as we reflect on the upcoming June 3 Enough is Enough Day of Action. We’ll hear firsthand from the dedicated workers who spearheaded local actions, discussing their strategies, successes, and invaluable lessons learned on the day.

The fight doesn’t stop on June 3. This meeting will be a great opportunity to plan actions throughout the summer and continue to build our movement for decent work.


Eglinton East LRT Consultation

When: June 7th, 6pm

The City of Toronto and the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) are working to bring rapid and reliable transit to Scarborough. The Eglinton East Light Rail Transit (EELRT) is a proposed 18 km light rail transit system through much of Scarborough, connecting Kennedy Station and the future Sheppard-McCowan Station to Malvern Town Centre and University of Toronto Scarborough Campus (UTSC). The Eglinton East LRT will increase transportation options in Scarborough and enhance access to the community, businesses, public amenities and create opportunities to improve the local economy and environment.


Canada in the World /w Tyler Shipley

When: June 28 to August 30

Tyler Shipley will be offering a free, online course from June 28-August 30 (nine weeks) on Canada’s colonial history and present, both at home and abroad, following the structure of his book Canada in the World.

All are welcome. Please message him (tyshipley@gmail.com) if you’d like to be added to the email list!



Scapegoating Dr. Hassan Diab in France and Canada

By Judith Deutsch

The fate of Dr. Hassan Diab is being determined by an absence of morality as in scapegoating, and by an absolutist moral stance that law is engraved in stone and that the State’s duty is limited to examining compliance with the law. In Dr. Diab’s extradition case, appeals were rejected and ultimately blamed for preventing efficient processing of extradition. The Canadian government refused to rule on the truthfulness of evidence and on the possibility of a fair trial in France. This article focuses particularly on Canada. The background is the end of the Cold War when the scourge that permitted scapegoating shifted from communism and fascism to Islam.

Source: The Bullet No. 2830

European Parliament to Join the Militarisation Path

By Herman Michiel

The European Union is “in urgent war mode,” said Josep Borrell, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy at the Munich Security Conference in February 2023. The man spoke the truth, as the European Union has so far made no diplomatic attempt to intervene in Russia’s war against Ukraine. On the contrary, the EU is fully committed to supplying more and more and heavier weapons to Ukraine, whose military victory over Russia is seen as the only guarantee of a lasting peace.

Source: The Bullet No. 2831

Capital and Resistance: A Review of Socialist Register 2023

By John Clarke

Socialist Register 2023: Capital and Politics provides what the editors, Greg Albo, Nicole Aschoff, and Alfredo Saad-Filho, describe in the Preface as “a careful accounting of the organizational means by which capitalists accumulate assets and wealth [so as to] understand the parameters of power in capitalist society.” Knowing the class enemy is central to this volume. This volume is the first in nearly forty years in which Leo Panitch didn’t play a direct role. Though last year’s volume was produced following his tragic death in 2020, he’d been heavily involved in setting its perspectives and goals.

Source: The Bullet No. 2832

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