CSJ Newsletter

November 23, 2023



Public Pharmacare Now

Inflation is eating away at our pocketbooks, forcing millions of us to choose between paying the rent, buying groceries, or filling our prescriptions. And sky-high drug prices are taking billions from our hospitals, at a time when we need to massively re-invest to save public health care. A publicly-funded, universal drug coverage program – also known as pharmacare – could change this.

Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government committed to passing a Canada Pharmacare Act by the end of 2023. This legislation, which will lay the foundation for a national drug plan, could be introduced any day now. But Big Pharma and its insurance industry allies are pushing for legislation that would create an inadequate Band-Aid program rather than the universal program that the government’s own experts have recommended.



Speak Up For Transit

When: November 20 to 30

Speak up for a better #TTC! City Councillors will soon be voting on Toronto’s budget for 2024 and new funding tools. Join us at a pre-budget consultation event or at a workshop on November 14 (English) or November 15 (English and Mandarin) to learn more.

Poster | docs.google.com

Sweep and Say Union

When: Nov 22 to Nov 24, 7:30pm; Nov 26th, 2pm
Where: Steelworkers’ Hall, 25 Cecil St.

“The people united will never be defeated.” That was the chant of determined women strikers in the streets of Toronto nearly forty years ago.

This play brings to life the struggles for justice waged by 250 women cleaners working at First Canadian Place in downtown Toronto, most of them Portuguese. They wanted decent wages and respect for the hard work they did keeping Toronto offices clean.

Audience members must wear a mask. mailchi.mp

Learning and Taking Action for Human Rights in Gaza

When: Thursday November 23rd, 7:30pm

Join Resource Movement, Independent Jewish Voices, and Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) Toronto to learn together about the context for the current violence, and take action toward a ceasefire and beyond. Learn about the context for the current violence, and how to take action together toward a ceasefire and beyond. Our speakers for this event are experienced Jewish and Palestinian advocates Judy Rebick and Beisan Zubi!


People’s Day For Palestine

When: November 24th, all day

Nov 24 is not Black Friday — it’s People’s Day For Palestine.

Everywhere we are taking back this day to say: NO shopping, NO profits, NO business usual, when genocide is taking place.

Find actions in your city or register: shutitdown4palestine.org

Book launch: Solidarity Beyond Bars

When: November 24th, 7pm
Where: 1400 Blvd. De Maisonneuve Ouest, Montreal

Prisons don’t work, but prisoners do. Prisons are often critiqued as unjust, but we hear little about the daily labour of incarcerated workers — what they do, how they do it, who they do it for and under which conditions. Unions protect workers fighting for better pay and against discrimination and occupational health and safety concerns, but prisoners are denied this protection despite being the lowest-paid workers with the least choice in what they do — the most vulnerable among the working class.

With Jordan House and Asaf Rashid.

fernwoodpublishing.ca | Facebook

Fundraiser: Progress Toronto

When: November 24th, 8pm
Where: Toronto Reference Library, 789 Yonge St
Tickets: $15 (donations welcome)

In only 5 years, Progress Toronto has changed City Hall. On November 24th, we’re coming together to celebrate all that we’ve accomplished together and envision what’s possible in 2024!

Spend the evening with hundreds of progressive volunteers, organizers, supporters, labour and community leaders, and more – all dedicated to building a Toronto that works for everyone. We’ll have DJs, snacks, drinks, and more!


Reading club: The Tenant Class

When: Saturday, November 25th, 10am
Where: Workers Arts & Heritage Centre, 51 Stuart St, Hamilton

Drop in for one or all five discussions about books exploring gender, capitalism, police abolition, colonialism, the housing crisis, class and more. Sara Swerdlyk, Publicity and Promotions Manager at Between the Lines will join us for our second meeting to discuss The Tenant Class by Ricardo Tranjan.

In this trailblazing manifesto, political economist Ricardo Tranjan places tenants and landlords on either side of the class divide that splits North American society.


March On Ottawa

When: November 25th
Where: Parliament Hill, Ottawa (busses available from various locations)

On November 25th at 1PM, the Palestinian Youth Movement, the Association of Palestinian Arab Canadians, Labour for Palestine, and the International League of Peoples’ Struggle in Canada will march on Parliament Hill, Ottawa, to demand an end to Canadian complicity in the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people and the colonization of Palestine.

Over one month into the genocide, with over 11,000 Palestinians killed by Israel, the Canadian government not only refuses to call for a ceasefire but continues to sell weapons that enable Israel’s massacres.

We are marching for an end to this genocide by demanding:
– An immediate ceasefire
– An end to Canada’s complicity in Israel’s war crimes, genocide, and colonization of Palestinian lands
– Lifting the siege on Gaza

Bus boarding location: 105 Princes’ Blvd, Toronto
Bus boarding time: 7:00am
Bus departing time: 7:30am sharp
CUPE members in Toronto


Building mass action for Palestine solidarity

When: November 26th, 2pm

Join Spring! this Sunday to hear from @ShabbirLakha of the @STWuk! In the UK, hundreds of thousands have marched through the streets for a ceasefire in Gaza. A mass movement challenges the horrors of genocide, occupation and apartheid.


TWHP Screenings

When: November 26th, 7:30pm

TWHP is again pleased to participate in the Canadian Labour International Film Festival.

We have arranged for seven screenings – all of the films in each program were carefully chosen and are made available to Canadian audiences.


Canadian Foreign Policy Hour with Yves Engler

When: Mondays at 6pm

Join author Yves Engler on Mondays for a weekly news roundup and interactive discussion about Canada’s role abroad. This weekly session will delve into the latest developments on subjects ranging from military affairs and Canada’s role in Ukraine to its contribution to Palestinian dispossession, and the exploitation of African resources. Join Yves for a critical take on Canada’s foreign policy. Questions, comments, and criticisms are all welcome.


Ontario’s Private Clinics Fiasco

When: November 28th, 7pm

From higher costs to corruption in Ontario’s private clinics, join @GTorontoHC and us for this forum to hear from researchers and advocates about how Ford’s reckless policies can be exposed and defeated.

– Andrew Longhurst, research associate, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives; author of the recently published report, ‘At What Cost? Ontario hospital privatization and the threat to health care’
– Pam Parks, nurse, co-chair, Durham Health Coalition
– Kevin Skerrett, Ottawa Health Coalition
– Natalie Mehra, executive director, Ontario Health Coalition


Davy the Punk

When: November 28th, 7pm

Join TWHP for a lively evening with esteemed Canadian author and activist Bob Bossin.

Bob will discuss Davy the Punk, his award-winning book about his father’s life in Toronto’s gambling Underworld of the 1930s and ‘40s.

twhp.ca | zoom.us

Groundswell’s 2024 Fundraising Kick-Off

When: Tuesday, November 28th, 7 – 9 pm
Where: Danu Social House, 1237 Queen Street W
Please note that Danu Social House is wheelchair accessible.

We are so excited to host you at our Giving Tuesday Fundraiser Kick-off for the 2024 granting cycle! Join us on Giving Tuesday on Nov. 28 as we launch our fundraising for the 2024 granting cycle. Come prepared to hear from guest speakers and to donate to Groundswell through a live fundraiser.

At this event, we are prioritizing raising funds for Palestinian solidarity efforts.

Your $25 ticket includes one free drink of your choosing and refreshments.

You must register through Eventbrite to attend. Can’t attend and would like to donate? Visit our Groundswell website to donate directly.

Palestine 101

When: November 29th, 7pm

Join Labour for Palestine for an online teach-in about Palestine, how we got to the current crisis, and what we as workers and unionists can do to support the struggle for Palestine liberation.

The teach-in will build participants’ confidence to talk about why Palestine is a workers’ issue, and will equip them with tools to take action on Palestine in their union.


Day of Action for Early Learning

When: November 30th, 12pm
Where: Queen’s Park, south lawn

November 30th is the Canada-Wide Day of Action for Child Care, organized by Child Care Now and its provincial affiliates. Here in Ontario we will be bringing our demands to Queen’s Park with a press conference and noon rally on November 30th. Child care programs and communities around Ontario will be marking the day with rallies and events, MPP meetings and calls to raise the issues of those left behind by Ontario’s approach to CWELCC’s implementation – families on waitlists, RECEs and staff and operators on the brink.

Join our campaign for a child care system with better pay, better quality, better access.


Open House at Between the Lines

When: November 30th, 5:00pm–8:00pm
Where: Suite 281, 401 Richmond St W.

Between the Lines will be opening its doors for the annual HOLIDAY OPEN HOUSE at the 401 Richmond Building on November 30. Drop by our office in Studio 281, and come browse our expansive in-office book stock!

In addition to the BTL office, several suites, galleries, and shops will be open at the 401 Richmond Holiday Open House, including 17 galleries, 2 gift shops, and a licenced café with gourmet pantry. Find artwork, objects, books, toys, clothing, accessories, cards and much more.



Workers Block Access to Toronto Weaponsmaker L3Harris Arming Israel

By Labour Against the Arms Trade and World Beyond War

“Last week we shut down the Toronto arms manufacturer INKAS; today we’re escalating with workers and community members blockading and disrupting production at four different weapons plants this morning, belonging to L3 Harris and Lockheed Martin,” said Rachel Small, organizer with World BEYOND War. “These companies’ weapons components and systems are being used right now to slaughter Palestinians in Gaza. We will not turn away from the horrors we are witnessing and are instead joining people around the world in holding our governments to account, blockading arms factories and shipments, and doing everything we can to cut off the flow of weapons to Israel.”

Source: The Bullet No. 2909

Turkish Academics Call for Peace

By Turkish Academics Call for Peace

The state of Israel, which has been illegally occupying the Palestinian territories for 56 years and has been besieging Gaza since 2006 in violation of international law, as also stated by the Secretary-General of the United Nations, is today committing another crime against the Palestinian people in front of the eyes of the whole world. On October 7, 2023, the “Joint Room for Palestinian Resistance Factions” consisting of a total of 12 Palestinian organisations with diverse political orientations – often reported in the media only as Hamas – crossed the Gaza border and killed more than 1400 people, most of them civilians, with air and ground attacks.

Source: The Bullet No. 2910

New Fascism and the Question of Socialist Strategy

By Sebnem Oguz

After the re-election of Recep Erdogan as President in the Turkish general elections held in May 2023, serious disappointment and despair prevailed among a significant part of the Turkish left. There were three reasons for this. First, unlike previous elections, this election was perceived as a referendum that would determine the destiny of the political regime. Second, it was assumed that the economic crisis, the earthquake, and the increasing tensions within the power bloc would weaken the Erdogan regime. Thirdly, because of the optimism that accompanied this assumption, broad sections of society directed all their energy to the elections.

Source: The Bullet No. 2911

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