CSJ Newsletter

April 4, 2024



Condemn Police Violence Against Palestinian Protesters

On Saturday March 30th, the Toronto police violently suppressed protesters democratic right to protest Israel’s starvation and slaughter in Gaza.

Take one minute to email Toronto mayor Olivia Chow and deputy mayor Amber Morley. Morley also represents the City on the Toronto Police Services Board. Let them know you expect them to call on Toronto police to tell them to drop the charges and respect people’s right to peaceful assembly.

actionnetwork.org | Youtube video

Canadians agree: Tax the Rich!

While everyday Canadians struggle to make ends meet, the wealthiest among us have seen their fortunes grow exponentially. Over the past 10 years, the richest 1% in Canada gained almost seven times more wealth than the bottom 50%.

According to the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, a straightforward tax of 1% on wealth over $10 million, 2% over $50 million, and 3% over $100 million would generate $32 billion annually. This simple tax would impact less than 100,000 families nationwide and collect only the tiniest of percentages from their enormous fortunes.

According to a 2021 Abacus poll, 88% of Canadians supported a wealth tax, so why haven’t we implemented one?



Support OPSEU workers

When: Mon to Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm
Where: 465 Dundas St. E

When: Everyday, 8am – 5pm
Where: 317 Dundas St. W

Last week, AGO workers took to the picket lines, while on Friday Regent Park Healthcare workers began their first week on strike. Workers are demanding fair wages and benefits an end to contracting out, among others.

opseu.org | NoDealNoAGO

Canadian Pensions and the Climate Crisis

When: April 4th, 1pm

Join this presentation from Shift: Action for Pension Wealth and Planet Health to learn about the key findings from Shift’s second annual Canadian Pension Climate Report Card, released in February 2024.

Shift’s analysis of eleven Canadian pension funds found that pension managers have made incremental progress, but far more work is needed to ensure Canadian pension managers fulfill their fiduciary duty to invest in plan members’ long-term interests and protect Canadians’ retirement security in a pathway aligned with the Paris Agreement goal of limiting global heating to 1.5°C.


What’s at stake in Canada’s trade negotiations with Ecuador?

When: April 4th, 2pm

Investor protections vs the rights of communities and nature: Canada and Ecuador have jumped headfirst into Free Trade Agreement negotiations they hope to finish by 2025 — but key voices are being left out. What’s already clear is that the agreement is being designed to attract and protect Canadian mining investment in Ecuador.

What’s at stake? Hear directly from Ecuadorian organizations and communities impacted by Canadian oil and mining projects about a lack of consultation around the FTA and learn about how including an Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) clause would prioritize the rights of transnational companies over communities and the environment.


Ramadan vigil

When: April 4th, 6:30pm
Where: Nathan Philips Sq.

Join us on April 4th in Toronto for a Ramadan vigil honoring Gaza’s martyrs. Let’s deepen our empathy and unite in prayer for our brothers and sisters in Gaza. We invite you to join in solidarity. Dates, water, and snacks provided. Please bring your prayer mat. All are welcome.

Twitter poster

How to Abolish Prisons

When: April 4th, 6pm

Join Rachel Herzing, Justin Piché, and special guests for a discussion of lessons from the movement against imprisonment.

Critics of abolition sometimes castigate the movement for its utopianism, but in How to Abolish Prisons, long-time organizers Rachel Herzing and Justin Piché reveal a movement that has made the struggle for abolition as real as the institutions they are fighting against.


Al Quds Day

When: April 6th, 3pm
Where: 361 University Ave

The world united against genocide in Gaza. Annual walk for Palestine.

Twitter poster

Save the Ontario Science Centre

When; April 7th, 12pm
Where: Christie Pits Park, 750 Bloor Street W

ome together with people from across the city and province along with fellow community members to show your support for the Ontario Science Centre.

Doug Ford has chosen to reward Therme Mega Spa and his developer donors by relocating the award winning and world renowned OSC to Ontario Place.


Gaza Lives

When: April 7th, 3pm
Where: TBA
Registration: Eventbrite $30 + Donation option

Please join TPFF and special guests for a second edition of Gaza Lives: Honouring Palestinian Artists & Writers. We heard the disappointment of so many who were not able to join us in February when we first hosted this event. And we heard from so many who attended that it was a moving and cathartic gathering. So, TPFF is hosting another tribute to the art and artists of Gaza for those who could not join us the first time.


BBQ: CUPE 3903 Solidarity

When: April 8th, 12pm
Where: York Univ, main gate (Keele and York)

Serving up thanks to all those who have supported our picket lines.

Twitter poster

Celebration for Peace Activism

When: April 8th, 5pm
Where: 15 King’s College Circle

Topic: Feeling Safe Yet? No National Security without Human and Common Security.


Canadian Foreign Policy Hour with Yves Engler

When: Mondays at 6pm

Join author Yves Engler on Mondays for a weekly news roundup and interactive discussion about Canada’s role abroad. This weekly session will delve into the latest developments on subjects ranging from military affairs and Canada’s role in Ukraine to its contribution to Palestinian dispossession, and the exploitation of African resources. Join Yves for a critical take on Canada’s foreign policy. Questions, comments, and criticisms are all welcome.


Child Care Parent and Family Community Action

When: April 9th, 8pm

Thank you to the over 150 parents and families who attended our first Parent and Family Community Action in March. Participants said they felt “brave”, “liberated” and “stronger” for taking action together, and we did too. We will be hosting a second session on April 9th at 8pm to build on what we have already done together. Parents and families will have the opportunity to connect with one another in breakout rooms, share experiences, and discuss our next steps for advocacy. Child care operators and educators: please pass this along to parents and families that you know.

Folks can register for the event here.

Fossil Fools Day

When: April 11th, 10am
Where: TBA

Stand in solidarity with Indigenous Land Defenders resisting projects funded by @RBC.

you.leadnow.ca | Twitter poster


Working-Class Environmentalism and Climate Justice

By Lorenzo Feltrin and Emanuele Leonardi

On 9 July 2021, Melrose Industries announced the closure of its GKN Driveline (ex-FIAT) factory of car axles in Campi di Bisenzio, Florence, and the layoff of its workers (more than 400). While in many such cases the workers and unions settle for negotiating enhanced redundancy benefits, the GKN Factory Collective occupied the plants and kickstarted a long struggle against decommissioning. However, what makes the GKN Florence dispute really unique is the strategy adopted by the workers, who sealed an alliance with the climate justice movement by drafting a conversion plan for sustainable, public transport and demanding its adoption.

Source: The Bullet No. 2966

Palestine Action Permanently Shutsdown Israeli Military Contractor Elbit Plant in UK

Relentless direct action has secured another victory in the fight against Israel’s arms trade, as Elbit Systems are forced to sell their ‘Elite KL’ factory in Tamworth, England. The company had previously manufactured cooling and power management systems for military vehicles, but was sold after stating that it faced falling profits and increased security costs resulting from Palestine Action’s efforts.

Source: The Bullet No. 2967

Falling Into the pro-Israel Trap: The La Presse Cartoon Scandal

By Larry Haiven

On 20 March, Montreal newspaper La Presse published a cartoon by Serge Chapleau harshly critical of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s announced intention to invade Rafah, where millions of Gazans are taking refuge. From across the globe, condemnations, even from political leaders, warn of the further deadly consequences of the attack, coming, as it does, after more than 30,000 Palestinians have been killed and even more starve.

Source: The Bullet No. 2968


OPIRG is hiring

Working with two co-workers and the volunteer Board of Directors, you will carry out critical administrative tasks. This role is essential to maintain the integrity of OPIRG York, assist volunteers in their activism, provide support to other activists and their organizations, and ensure that OPIRG York is fulfilling all of its financial and administrative responsibilities. The work environment has little day to day supervision. The Coordinator works cooperatively with all other staff to ensure the goals of the organization are met.

Essentials: Permanent full-time (30 hrs/wk)
Location: York University, 4700 Keele Street, Toronto (Hybrid)
Compensation: $27.87/hr with benefits, unionized with CUPE 1281


Decent Work and Health Network Organizer

The Decent Work and Health Network Organizer will support and advance our public campaign for decent work as a health issue, with a focus on building organizing skills and leadership of existing members and recruiting new health workers into the campaign. This will include outreach to health workers and facilitating their participation in the campaign; planning and facilitating meetings, events, and workshops; and developing written content from blog posts and newsletters to factsheets and policy submissions. The Organizer will also support the development of messaging and implementation of political education across the network.

Salary range: $58,605 – $70,599 based on prior experience.
Submit a cover letter and resume by email to info@oeerc.org by April 10, 2024.


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