CSJ Newsletter

January 30, 2025



Costly handouts

The Ontario government announced a whopping $285-million handout to TC Energy for pre-development work for its proposed pumped storage facility on the Niagara Escarpment near Meaford, Ontario – a project that would cost electricity consumers $4-7 billion.

Even the Independent Electricity System Operator says the project doesn’t compare favourably to alternatives like battery storage, and won’t provide net benefits to Ontario’s electricity system or ratepayers.

Tell Energy Minister Stephen Lecce to reconsider this handout


It Didn’t Start on October 7

When: January 21st to March 18th, 7pm

A series of 9 one-hour illustrated talks that trace Zionist / Israeli efforts to take the land of historic Palestine, dispossess the Palestinian inhabitants, and deny them fundamental human rights and self determination. Each talk is 60 minutes followed by 30 minutes of Q/A and discussion. The talks are introductory and non-academic and are suitable for anyone who wants to learn more. No prior knowledge of the history of Palestine / Israel is necessary.


Palestine and the Federal Election

When: Thursday, January 30th, 8pm

Canadian federal election is coming and the time to increase our actions for justice in Palestine is now. We must continue to mobilize our communities and make our voices heard.

This online mass briefing is for individuals already in PSN riding groups and those curious about getting involved in organizing in their neighbourhoods. We will share effective strategies that social movement groups have successfully implemented in elections in the past. The hope is to empower more people to effectively continue to win on demands set collectively by Palestinian-led organizations.

actionnetwork.org | instagram.com

Spoken Word Friday at the Blackhurst Cultural Centre

When: Friday January 31st, 6pm
Where: 777 Bathurst St

Spoken Word Fridays is a space for stories, connection, and creativity. Whether you’re performing or just here to listen, you’ll find an open, supportive community.

Expect moving performances, meaningful conversations, and a chance to meet people who share your love for words. Come as you are and join us.


Defending the Bolivarian Revolution

When: February 1st, 11am

The US-led empire is stepping up its regime change efforts in Venezuela, recognising the failed opposition candidate Edmundo González as president and placing a 25 million dollar bounty on the head of President Nicolás Maduro – effectively inviting an act of terrorism. Nevertheless, the Bolivarian Revolution marches forward, with Venezuela making impressive progress in poverty alleviation, food sovereignty, social housing and economic growth, and continuing to work closely with China, Russia, Iran, Nicaragua and other countries towards the construction of a multipolar system of international relations, based on sovereignty, non-interference, and the principles of the UN Charter.

This webinar will hear from delegates to the recent inauguration of Nicolás Maduro, and will discuss the situation in Venezuela, the US’s attempts at regime change, and the importance of defending the Bolivarian Revolution.


Climate Voting Records – launch party

When: February 1st, 6pm
Where: Friends House, 60 Lowther Ave

Over the past year, members of ClimateFast have been building a website that tracks what climate policies are being passed by Toronto’s City Council each month and how councillors are voting on climate action.

Climate action is urgent! The City has a target of reducing emissions by 65% below 1990 levels by 2030 – and we are struggling to even meet the 2025 target of 45% below 1990 levels. The City is writing a new 5 year climate action plan that will come to City Council in June, 2025. We need councillors to know that their constituents want to see meaningful reductions in emissions, and that we want them to vote in favour of the bold new measures we will need the city to take to achieve our goal.


TPFF Winter Gathering

When: Sunday February 2nd, 2:30pm
Where: Innis College, 2 Sussex Ave

Toronto Palestine Film Festival (TPFF) is pleased to present LYD, an award-winning sci-fi animated documentary by Rami Younis & Sarah Ema Friedland, produced by Roger Waters. Before the screening, TPFF will host a storytelling session with acclaimed storyteller Sarah Abusharar who will regale attendees with traditional Palestinian tales that connect to the wisdom of ancestors.


Weekly Phone-zap for Palestine

When: Mondays at 12:30pm

Week after week, we’re keeping the momentum going with our Monday lunchtime zaps.

Our collective action is making waves, but we need to ensure our elected officials continue to feel the pressure until real change happens.

Instagram poster | Register at zoom

Canadian Foreign Policy Hour with Yves Engler

When: Mondays at 6pm

Join author Yves Engler on Mondays for a weekly news roundup and interactive discussion about Canada’s role abroad. This weekly session will delve into the latest developments on subjects ranging from military affairs and Canada’s role in Ukraine to its contribution to Palestinian dispossession, and the exploitation of African resources. Join Yves for a critical take on Canada’s foreign policy. Questions, comments, and criticisms are all welcome.


Homelessness and Precarious Housing

When: February 3rd, 6:30pm
Where: 1470 Gerrard St E

Following the tragic death of Mary/Rita, who was living outside the Shoppers Drug Mart at Danforth and Coxwell, the East End community of Toronto is invited to an evening of education aimed at supporting the collective actions of those who have been advocating for more compassionate and just systems for years. This event will explore how the Toronto shelter system operates, what community groups are doing to address its gaps, the experiences of those who have been underserved, and the efforts of social service partners working to address the failures that have left so many people with limited choices.


Steering Green Transitions

When: February 3rd, 8pm

Real solutions to the climate crisis depend on workers’ know-how. CEOs usually cling to their dirty profits or try to cash in on green technology to bust our unions and degrade our jobs.

In this new online workshop from Labor Notes, you’ll hear from rank-and-file workers who organized collective action for better jobs and a livable climate.


Homelessness Rights Rally

When: February 4th, 11:30am
Where: Nathan Phillips Square

After almost 5 years of providing food and clothing to the unhoused populations in various city parks, our charity, amongst other organizations, is now being forced to complete extensive permits, which are expensive and require a minimum of 8 weeks for approval, if they’re approved at all.

On World Fraternity Day, symbolizing peace, justice, and truth, we will rally in front of City Hall, in support of providing direct-aid to our homeless neighbours across the city, without requiring permits!


Independent union movements

When: February 5th, 2:30pm

Popular experiments with independent unions have drawn attention to forms of organization that are no longer fit for purpose. By understanding the primary drivers of independent unionism, students of industrial relations, labour law, and trade unionism can adapt to shifting expectations among workers, employers, and governments.

This talk will describe the dynamics that have conditioned independent unionism over the preceding decade and explain the connection between market forces re-shaping the demand for unionism with the changing nature of its supply.


Book launch: Against the People

When: Tuesday February 18th, 7pm
Where: CSI Annex, 720 Bathurst St

The Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education is thrilled to host the official launch of the new book Against the People: How Ford Nation is Dismantling Ontario, with editors Bryan Evans and Carlo Fanelli.

The election of the Doug Ford–led Progressive Conservatives unleashed an aggressive and undisguised market fundamentalism. Ford’s government has taken the assault against the social welfare state, labour and environmental protections to new and unprecedented heights. Maintaining a permanent era of austerity has not only steadily reduced the public sector as a proportion of the provincial economy but has also reduced the social protections available to Ontarians.


May Day Brigade

When: April 25 to May 10
Where: Cuba

Please accept our warmest greetings from the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples (ICAP), a social organization that contributes to the strengthening, mobilization and unity of the International Solidarity Movement in defense of the Cuban Revolution and for friendship, peace, sovereignty and the just causes of the people.

From ICAP, motivated by the celebration of the 65th anniversary of its founding, we invite you to participate in the 18th International May Day Brigade of Voluntary Work, which will take place from April 25 to May 10, 2025.

Let us celebrate together the days of International Workers’ Day! The Cuban workers’ movement, which has a long tradition of struggle and combativeness, will welcome you in their workplaces and communities to discuss the main challenges that face the working class worldwide.



Book launch: Climate Change is a Class Issue

The Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education is honoured to host Sarah Glynn and John Clarke to launch their book Climate Change is a Class Issue.

The capitalist system, which sees everything in terms of profit, is exploiting the planet to destruction with the same ruthless logic that it exploits workers. The threat from climate change, and from capitalism’s treatment of the planet as an infinite resource, is so large that our societies seem afraid to confront it; but when we understand that this threat comes from the same capitalist forces that dominate our everyday lives, the way forward becomes clear. The fight against the system that is destroying our planet, is the same as the fight against the system that is producing ever more mind-boggling inequalities.

Source: LeftStreamed

Why Greenland? How Trump Learned to Love the Bomb

By Paul Jay

As Donald Trump takes office, he has revived one of his most audacious ideas: acquiring Greenland. When asked directly if he would rule out using military force to take Greenland from Denmark, Trump refused to do so, sparking international outrage. This renewed interest in Greenland is closely tied to his plan to build a nationwide anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system, which he calls the “American Iron Dome.”

Source: The Bullet No. 3088

Defending Society Against MAGA Tyranny: Social Self-Defense Has Begun

By Jeremy Brecher

The resistance to the MAGA juggernaut has already begun at community, city, and state levels.

– The governors of Illinois and Colorado announced a new coalition called Governors Safeguarding Democracy, designed to protect state-level institutions against the threat of authoritarianism. It’s reported that more than 20 states are involved.

– Governor Gavin Newsom called a special session of the California legislature to fund the state’s civil rights, climate action, LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive rights, disaster funding, and protections shielding undocumented immigrants brought to the country as children. It’s been referred to as “Trump-proofing” California.

Source: The Bullet No. 3089

World Bank and IMF — Keeping Pakistan in Shackles

By Farooq Tariq

On 11th December 2024, while replying to a question in Pakistan’s National Assembly, the federal finance minister admitted for the first time that since 2019, and while under an International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme, gas prices increased by a record 840% and electricity tariffs rose by over 110%. Both developments contributed significantly to the unprecedented inflation that has eroded the purchasing power and living standards of the majority of Pakistani people.

Source: The Bullet No. 3090

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