Building Power in Our Communities

October 30, 2015

Building Power in Our Communities

October 30, 2015

When: Friday, October 30th, 6-8 pm Where: Seneca @ Yorkgate Mall, 1 Yorkgate Blvd (Jane and Finch), Rooms 218/219 All are welcome. Admission is free. Child care will be provided. The Fight for Racial and Economic Justice With Kali Akuno of Cooperation Jackson and presentations by Jane Finch Action Against Poverty (JFAAP) and Network for the Elimination of Police Violence (NEPV). Kali Akuno, a founder of Cooperation Jackson and a key member of the late Chokwe Lumumba’s successful election campaign for the mayoralty of Jackson, Mississippi, will discuss integrating strategies in the fight for racial and economic justice, including popular assemblies and neighborhood defence committees; alternative community development through solidarity economies; and strategically selective engagement with electoral politics and taking government office. Jane Finch Action against Poverty, a grassroots, resident-led coalition of community members, activists, and workers, is hosting the meeting. They, along with The Network for the Elimination of Police Violence, will offer presentations on their recent activities and plans for the future. * Kali Akuno is a founder and co-director of Cooperation Jackson, an emerging network of worker cooperatives and supporting institutions. Kali served as the Director of Special Projects and External Funding in the Mayoral Administration of the late Chokwe Lumumba of Jackson, MS. Kali also served as the Co-Director of the US Human Rights Network and was the Executive Director of the Peoples’ Hurricane Relief Fund (PHRF) based in New Orleans, Louisiana after Hurricane Katrina. He was the co-founder of the School of Social Justice and Community Development (SSJCD), a public school serving the academic needs of low-income African American and Latino communities in Oakland, California. Kali has authored many articles and pamphlets on Black, international and working class politics, with a focus on how government counterinsurgency, state violence, the drug war, mass incarceration and neoliberalism impact Black communities. * Jane Finch Action Against Poverty is a grassroots group in the Jane Finch community. It consists of community residents and members from different organizations in the area. The group was formed in October of 2008 following a rally at the intersection of Jane Finch to commemorate the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. * Network for the Elimination of Police Violence is a network of organizations coordinating community-based responses to police violence. It strives to build the capacity of and unity among communities to resist police violence, recognizing that racism as a system shapes and informs police violence against and in racialized and indigenous communities. Hosted by: Jane Finch Action Against Poverty. Endorsed by: Network for the Elimination of Police Violence, Socialist Project, Centre for Social Justice | Facebook event

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