Carbon Markets and Neoliberal Capitalism

May 24, 2015

Carbon Markets and Neoliberal Capitalism

May 24, 2015

When: Sunday, May 24th, 1pm Where: Beit Zatoun, 612 Markham St, Toronto In April it was announced that Ontario would be joining Quebec in implementing a cap and trade system on carbon emissions. While the Ontario government has presented this development as a positive step for the climate, critics of cap and trade point out that the mechanism often does not lead to lower green house gas emissions. Instead, it creates another market to commodify nature and allows corporations to continue profiting from environmental destruction for a small financial fee. Please join us to hear an overview of the development of cap and trade systems, their track record in other parts of the world, an assessment of the Ontario plan, and ideas on other avenues we could be exploring to reduce emissions and limit climate change. Guest Speaker: * Romain Felli is a senior researcher in political science at the University of Geneva, Switzerland and is currently a visiting fellow at York University. He works on environmental governance and the political economy of climate change. * Paul Kellogg is Associate Professor in the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies at Athabasca University. He was a founding member of Toronto-Bolivia Solidarity and helps organize with Ideas Left Out. The talk is free. The space is accessible by mobile ramp upon request in advance. Washrooms are downstairs and not accessible, unfortunately. Sponsored by: Centre for Social Justice, Greater Toronto Workers’ Assembly, Socialist Project | Facebook event

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