A discussion with Brian Roper, author of The History of Democracy – A Marxist Interpretation.
When: Monday, June 24 from 7-9 PM
Where: Beit Zatoun, 612 Markham Street, Toronto
Brian Roper is a long-time activist on the socialist left in New Zealand and an Associate Professor in Politics at the University of Otago. He is the author of Prosperity for All? Economic, Social and Political Change in New Zealand since 1935 (Cengage, 2005) and The History of Democracy — A Marxist Interpretation (Pluto Press, 2012).
Sponsored by Centre for Social Justice, the New Socialist Group and Socialist Project | Facebook event
Join us on Wednesday February 10th for the launch of Socialist Register 21: Beyond Digital Capitalism (Merlin Press, 2020), with presentations by Greg Albo, Sam Gindin, Bryan Palmer, Joan Sangster, Stephen Maher, Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Tanner Mirrlees, and Derek Hrynyshyn. Learn More
When: Sunday December 13th, 2pm A second wave of the pandemic is raging across the country, and Toronto and other cities are again in lockdown. Austerity for social provisioning including public transit is high on the agenda for city governments across North America. In Toronto, both the city government and the Toronto Transit Commission are […] Learn More