Moving Beyond Ford: The Transportation We Want

March 1, 2019

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Moving Beyond Ford: The Transportation We Want

March 1, 2019

When: Friday, March 1st, 6:30pm Where: 60 Lowther Avenue (St. George Subway station) In Toronto and beyond, campaigns are underway to confront the Ford government’s initiative to take the Toronto subway system from the TTC in order reorganize, further automobilize and possibly privatize transit and transportation across the Toronto region. This and other Ford Government initiatives have put progressive transportation advocates as well transit riders and workers on the defensive. Once more, proactive initiatives are forced onto the backburner. This includes proposals to make transit free, to provide mass public transit to working class neighbourhoods across the city and region, to integrate public transit, cycling and pedestrian life from the ground up, and to shift transportation patterns from car and truck traffic at a regional scale. Instead of reacting only to provincial policy, this panel discussion will link current transit campaigns to a longer-term question: what would a just and environmentally sustainable transportation future for the Toronto region look like? Speakers: * Dan Tsengay, from TTCRiders and the Anti-Upload Campaign * Speaker from TTCriders * Deborah Littman from Keep it Public, and * Roger Kiehle and Tricia Wood from York University. * Stefan Kipfer from Free Transit Toronto will chair and introduce the panel. Sponsored by Free Transit Toronto, Centre for Social Justice and Toronto Socialist Project | Facebook event

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Lower Fares, More Service! Public Transit Struggles In and After the Pandemic

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