The Forecast on Climate Change

May 4, 2014

The Forecast on Climate Change

May 4, 2014

When: Sunday May 4th, 12pm Where: Centre for Social Innovation/Centre for Social Justice, Second Floor, Room # 1, 720 Bathurst St. Capitalism and the IPCC Report on Global Warming There are many discussions on the Left occurring over climate change. Some of these have been occurring about a ‘just transition’ in the labour movement to energy democracy to the financialization of the ecology movement through the promotion of ‘cap and trade’ systems to deal with carbon emissions. The release of the latest major set of studies from the UN’s Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change allows a fresh look at these debates from the latest ‘consensus report’ from scientific analysts from around the world. This workshop will allow us to discuss and debate some of the current findings, how the developments around climate change are interacting with current developments in capitalism and the state of social movement struggles around climate change. * What does the IPCC report tell us about the latest evidence on climate change? * How are different sectors of the capitalist classes responding to climate change? * What new openings are occurring in struggles around climate justice? * Where is the Left in these struggles? Presenters: * Justin Podur, Faculty of Environment Studies, York University * Lana Goldberg, Toronto No Line 9 Coalition The IPCC Report can be found here Commentary on the report can be found here: * Climate change a threat to security, food and humankind * This discussion is part of a Workshop on Ecosocialism sponsored by: Centre for Social Justice, Free and Accessible Transit Committee, Greater Toronto Workers’ Assembly, Socialist Project | Facebook event

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