The Maidan Uprising and Civil War in the Ukraine: Questions for the Left

November 2, 2014

The Maidan Uprising and Civil War in the Ukraine: Questions for the Left

November 2, 2014

When: Sunday, November 2nd, 2:30pm Where: Steelworkers’ Hall, 25 Cecil St., Toronto Last year’s events marked not only a turning point in Ukraine’s history. It also posed a number of difficult questions for progressive movements and left critical theory. Volodymyr Ishchenko, a sociologist and leftist commentator, will present his perspective on the Ukrainian Maidan and the ongoing civil war. The presentation will discuss questions of revolution, nationalism, fascism, imperialism and the strategy which has been raised in political and academic discussions in and around the Ukraine. Volodymyr Ishchenko is a sociologist studying social protests in Ukraine. He is the deputy director of the Center for Social and Labor Research, a member of the editorial board of Commons: Journal for Social Criticism and LeftEast web-magazine, and a teacher at the Department of Sociology in the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy. He authored a number of comments and interviews about Ukrainian Maidan, particularly, for the Guardian and the New Left Review. Sponsors: Centre for Social Justice, Socialist Project, Greater Toronto Workers’ Assembly (GTWA) | Facebook event

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Socialist Register 21: Beyond Digital Capitalism

February 10, 2021

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Lower Fares, More Service! Public Transit Struggles In and After the Pandemic

December 13, 2020

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