CSJ Newsletter

December 16, 2021


Amend Bill C-3: 10 Paid Sick Days

The federal government has tabled Bill C-3, which would amend the Canada Labour Code to include 10 paid sick days for federally regulated workers. They are trying to pass it before the end of the year. We need to make sure that these paid sick days are seamlessly accessible. This means no sick notes and no monthly accrual model, so that all workers can access 10 paid sick days when they need them.

Send a letter: Tell the federal government to amend Bill C-3 to make it fully effective as a public health intervention.


Unist’ot’en Solidarity Brigade – Callout for Support

In the last week, the outpouring of solidarity with the struggle on Wet’suwet’en territory has continued with powerful actions, and solidarity statements.

The struggle on the territory is far from over and there is still a callout for supporters to come to Wet’suwet’en territory this month whether its for a week or longer. Supporters who can come later in the winter are also needed.



Heading for Extinction & What to Do About It

When: December 17th, 6pm

Join members of Extinction Rebellion from across Canada to learn about the climate emergency we are facing, why we should all be in the streets rebelling and why the past 30 years of climate activism has failed.

There will also be time to ask questions and connect with other people interested in taking action on the climate crisis.

Facebook event

Racialized Policing and Migrant Workers

When: December 17th, 6pm

Community Forum on “Migrant Workers and Racialized Policing” featuring Justicia for Migrant Workers members Shane Martinez, lawyer representing 54 migrant workers before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario; Moilene Samuels and Tracey Ann Hines; Dr. Adrian Smith Faculty of Law Osgoode Hall, York University; and Dr. Vasanthi Venkatesh Faculty of Law University of Windsor. Friday December 17th at 6:00pm by Zoom. For additional information, please contact j4mw.on@gmail.com.


Eg’s Dead! A mass action at X University

When: December 18th, 12:30

On December 18th, at 12:30pm, we’re once again going to have to deal with a gaggle of chuds who can’t help but fawn over genocidaries, spread self-serving mythologies, and invite basement-tier bourgeois politicians to their sideshows for legitimacy. The new conservative crybaby refrain is “Egerton Ryerson was a good man,” as if fond individual memories are somehow able to compare to his role as architect of a system of cultural annihilation.

We’re not standing for this. We’re calling on Torontonians to come together to fend off these losers, drown out these twisted falsehoods that serve white supremacy, and rally shoulder-to-shoulder against the overpaid TPS pigs that will undoubtedly guard this show of reactionary sentiment.

Facebook event

Bloor Viaduct Shut Down

When: December 19th, 12pm

The Wet’suwet’en are calling for all “allies and supporters to take action where they stand in solidarity”.

When the state is removing Wet’suwet’en land defenders from their own sovereign land at gunpoint, we must all be enraged. We must stand in solidarity and target critical infrastructure.

Facebook event

Making progress on electoral reform in this Parliament

When: December 19th, 2pm

Where are the next opportunities to drive progress on electoral reform in this Parliament? What can MPs do? What can citizens do? Join a special webinar discussion with MPs from three different parties who have committed to work for real progress towards proportional representation!

Special guests:
– Daniel Blaikie, NDP MP for Elmwood—Transcona and NDP Democratic Reform Critic
– Wayne Long, Liberal MP for Saint John—Rothesay
– Mike Morrice, Green MP for Kitchener Centre

Fair Vote Canada has been pushing hard for a National Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform since 2019.



Voluntourism and Canadian Imperialism /w Shreya Ghimire

We are joined by Shreya Ghimire (@shreyalol) to discuss the colonial foundations of the “Voluntourism” and it’s intersections with Canada’s imperialist foreign policy. Shreya is a graduate student in Political Science at York University. Her research interests are in Marxist and feminist critiques of development, gender and development, and the political economy of Canada’s international politics.

Source: The Scarlet Standard Episode No. 22

The Ecosocialist Imperative

By Solidarity Ecosocialist Working Group

Thirty years ago, climate modeling scientists predicted exactly the global events – massive wildfires, intensified tropical storms, flooding and droughts – that we’re seeing right now. The only mistake was that they projected these disasters in 100 years’ time – the effects have hit us 70 years early. Capitalism, in its insatiable desire for profit, has ravaged the earth and led to the ecological disaster we now face. Given the extreme fires and droughts, climate change denial has gone out of fashion.

Source: The Bullet No. 2522

Why Poorer Nations Aren’t Falling for Green-Washed Imperialism

By Prabir Purkayastha

Fighting global warming is not just about providing a path to net-zero carbon emissions for all countries. It is also about figuring out how best to meet the energy needs of people across the world while working toward net-zero emissions. If fossil fuels have to be given up, which has now become an urgent need given the current environmental challenges, countries in Africa and a significant part of Asia, including India, need an alternate path for providing electricity to their people. What then is the best alternate course for poorer countries to follow for electricity production – if they do not use the fossil fuel route – that is being used by rich countries?

Source: The Bullet No. 2523

High School Students Walk Out

By William Paul

Let’s give credit to the roughly 200 brave students who walked out of Marc Garneau Collegiate Institute last month. They were protesting how the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) has handled what it considers to be antisemitism within its schools. They were fed up with the way their Board – supposed to represent them – puts the brakes on statements, information or discussions that might offend some members of the Jewish community in Toronto who regard certain criticism of Israel as anti-Semitic. As I mentioned in an article a month ago, the Board has simply adopted the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Centre (FSWC) website as its own when it comes to setting out rules for what is and what is not antisemitic in TDSB schools.

Source: The Bullet No. 2524

‘A Radical Turning Point’? Democracy in Honduras

Twelve years after the coup against Manuel Zelaya, the Honduran people are regaining hope. With her overwhelming victory in the November 28 general elections, Xiomara Castro, Zelaya’s wife and the first woman to be elected president, now has the chance to lead the country out of the nightmare of Juan Orlando Hernández’s narco-dictatorship. Claudia Fanti talked about these events with historian Pedro Landa, a human rights and environmental advocate.

Source: The Bullet No. 2525

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Dear donor, Your generous support of the Centre for Social Justice in the past is deeply appreciated. Your contribution is of vital importance to the struggle for a peaceful world and social and ecological justice in Ontario and Canada. Unfortunately, the world is far from at peace with a war in Ukraine pushing towards 2 […]

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