CSJ Newsletter

January 26, 2023




Federal Cabinet will receive a proposal on regularization – permanent resident status for all undocumented people – soon. Tell them to leave no one behind. Life-changing rules that will open the door to citizenship for all migrants, including undocumented people, are on the horizon. We are close to winning; we need you to join us.



Narrating Past, Present, & Potential

When: Jan. 20 to 29th
Where: Stackt Market, North Hall Gallery, 28 Bathurst St

Ontario Place, designed by Eberhard Zeidler and opened in 1971, was deemed one of the most innovative waterfronts in the world. Still active as a public park since its closure in 2012, questions of its future have remained futile.

This exhibition of compiled narratives and design speculations that invite members of the public to contribute their own memories, ideas, and stories.


Colonialism is Not Charity

When: January 26th, 7pm

Did you know that each year hundreds of registered Canadian charities raise over a quarter billion dollars for projects in Israel? That many of these groups support the Israeli military, racist organizations and West Bank settlements? And that a number of groups set up by or close to extremist ministers in the new Israeli government provide tax credits to Canadian donors?

“Colonialism is not charity” will explore what may be Canada’s most important contribution to Palestinian dispossession. Under the cover of charity, organizations are bilking Canadian taxpayers to fund the Israeli colonial project. This webinar will look at efforts to disrupt charities supporting for Palestinian dispossession.


Will 2023 be a year of competing crises?

When: January 26th, 7:30pm

Off the Hill takes a deep dive into the politics of cooling the economy –and the planet– ahead of Canadian Parliament returning on January 30. The spotlight is on the economy and the impact on Canadians. Our panel will unpack the critical issues related to the economic outlook and the climate emergency.

The panel includes MP Leah Gazan, Jim Stanford, Clayton Thomas-Müller and Karl Nerenberg. Co-hosted by Robin Browne and Libby Davies.

zoom.us | Facebook event

Post-Democracy in Canada

When: January 27th, 12:30pm
Where: York University/Zoom

Dept. of Politics Seminar Series: “Financialization, Labour Market Deregulation, and Post-Democracy in Canada: What are the Connections? And Why Should the Left Care?” with John Peters.


Art Creates Change

When: January 27th, 7pm
Where: OCAD University, 100 McCaul St, Room 190

Robyn Maynard and Leanne Betasamosake Simpson, authors of “Rehearsals for Living,” in conversation with Suzanne Morrissette and Alia Fortune Weston.

ocadu.ca | Facebook poster

Enough is Enough! Campaign Kick-Off

When: January 28th, 10am – 3pm

Are you fed up?

With wages that can’t pay the bills?

With getting gouged at the grocery store and the gas pump?

With rent that no one can afford?

With a government that has billions for its developer buddies, but won’t stop the collapse of our healthcare system?

We’re fed up, too. So, we’re saying: Enough is enough!


Canadian Foreign Policy Hour with Yves Engler

When: Mondays at 6pm

Join author Yves Engler on Mondays for a weekly news roundup and interactive discussion about Canada’s role abroad. This weekly session will delve into the latest developments on subjects ranging from military affairs and Canada’s role in Ukraine to its contribution to Palestinian dispossession and exploitation of African resources. Join Yves for a critical take on Canada’s foreign policy. Questions, comments and criticisms are all welcome.


Book launch: The End of This World

When: January 31st, 7pm

The climate crisis is here, and the end of this world — a world built on land theft, resource extraction, and colonial genocide — is on the horizon. The authors of the newly released book The End of This World: Climate Justice in So-Called Canada envision a near future where oil and gas stay in the ground; where a caring economy provides social supports for all; where wealth is redistributed from the bloated billionaire class; and where stolen land is rightfully reclaimed under the jurisdiction and sovereignty of Indigenous Peoples. The book is published as part of the Corporate Mapping Project.


Emergency Meeting to Fight Back Against Ford Gov’t

When: Tuesday January 31st, 7 – 8:30 pm

Please join this emergency online meeting as the OHC plans to mount a major and urgent fightback against Ford’s initiative to privatize our public hospitals. 

Last week, the Ford government announced their plans to build new for-profit surgical/diagnostic hospitals and expand for-profit clinics. At the same time, the Ford government has left our public hospitals with operating rooms that are closed in the evenings, on weekends, for days and months at a time, or even permanently, due to inadequate funding and staffing to run them. Similarly, MRIs and other diagnostics in public hospitals have been limited due to inadequate funding and staffing. Now, after having worsened the staffing crisis in public hospitals and having done nothing to ramp up public hospitals to operate to their capacity, Ford is launching privatization of their core services as if it is a “solution”. It is the old formula: create a crisis and privatize.


Mike Davis: Memories, Lessons, Struggle

When: February 2nd, 5:30pm
Where: York University, HNES 140

Moderated and introductions by Anna Zalik and Stefan Kipfer.

Facebook poster


LPSSE launch: Capitalism, Colonialism, Canada /w Bryan Palmer

In these uncertain and dangerous times, The Leo Panitch School for Socialist Education (LPSSE) is a space to listen, discuss and challenge the contemporary relevance of socialism. The inaugural presentation is by Bryan D. Palmer, Professor Emeritus at Trent University.

Source: LeftStreamed

More Cops? Not What Our Communities Need

By William Paul

Listening to Chief Myron Demkiw’s pitch for the 2023 budget request to the Toronto Police Services Board (TPS), it sounded like the rationale for the budgets put together by school boards: the increased needs of population served, declining portion of the overall budget, inflation, plans to do more and so on. Except that school boards have been consistently cut over the past four years and the TPS just got support for an increase of $48.3-million to a total of $1.17-billion. Now it can hire 200 more cops.

Source: The Bullet No. 2768

Public Libraries Continue to Thrive Despite Defunding and Privatization Attacks

By April M. Short

The public sector in the US has been shrinking rapidly since the 1990s as a deluge of privatization has, to various degrees, overtaken many so-called public services and institutions. Public education, for example, has been increasingly privatized by way of racist school voucher programs, and the expansion of for-profit charter schools and for-profit education management organizations (EMOs).

Source: The Bullet No. 2769

The Crisis of the Care Economy in Africa

By Salimah Valiani

A country that attains the passing grade on the UNDP’s Africa Care Economy Index is one that has basic minimum legislation and public spend in place to ensure a population that is able to take on the challenges of development as well as manage future pandemics. But not one African country scores more than half of the passing grade. With the rise of illness and death during the global Covid-19 pandemic, discussion about the work of caring has returned to public policy discourse around the world – but not so much in Africa.

Source: The Bullet No. 2770

Cut Police Budgets: Police Violence Reached an All-Time High Last Year

By Sonali Kolhatkar

The year 2022 was the deadliest year on record in the United States for fatalities at the hands of law enforcement. According to the Washington Post’s police shootings database, law enforcement officers shot and killed 1,096 people last year. In comparison, there were 1,048 shooting fatalities at the hands of police the year before, 1,019 the year before that, 997 the year before that, and so on. These numbers are most likely underestimated.

Source: The Bullet No. 2771


Unifor Research Department

Unifor is seeking a National Representative to work out of the Research Department in the National Office in Toronto. We are looking for a dedicated and experienced individual to join our team in advancing the goals of Unifor, defending and expanding the rights of our members, and working to achieve economic and social justice.

Working closely with the union’s Officers, Staff and Local Union leadership in a fast-paced environment, Unifor researchers support collective bargaining, policy development, government relations and strategic campaigns.

This is a full-time permanent position following the successful completion of a nine-month probationary period. Excellent salary and benefits are set under collective agreement. 

Please submit a cover letter and resume by January 31, 2023, to employment@unifor.org.


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