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In publishing and graphic design, Lorem ipsum is a placeholder text commonly used to demonstrate the visual form of a document or a typeface without relying on meaningful content. Lorem ipsum may be used before final copy is available, but it may also be used to temporarily replace copy in a process called greeking, which allows designers to consider form without the meaning of the text influencing […] Read More
This is a new project draft. It is a big project or something. Read More
In order for schools to remain open safely, swift measures are urgently required to suppress community spread of Covid-19. Premier Ford has ignored advice from medical experts such as the Ontario Hospital Association and Toronto Public Health, who have urged reverting hot spots to Stage 2. Add your voice to call for Premier Ford to […] Read More
The CSJ Foundation for Research and Education publishes reports and educational materials on social and economic issues. Its current program involves research on the growing gap between rich and poor, the corporate influence on public policy, and the search for policy alternatives.
Canada, The Economic Crisis and Political Struggle A publication by The Socialist Project and The Centre for Social Justice explores the roots of the current financial crisis, proposing equitable alternatives for Canada and beyond. With contributions by Leo Panitch, Sam Gindin, Greg Albo, David McNally, John Clarke and more.
Read MoreNeoliberal Urbanism, the Canadian City and Toronto Report Prepared for the Centre for Social Justice Toronto, Ontario – December 2009 Neoliberal globalization has played itself out in the politics of Canadian cities over and over again through the last two decades. The internationalization of financial markets, the geographical restructuring of manufacturing, and the consumer debt […]
Read MoreAn Authoritarian Phase of Neoliberalism? From its very beginnings, the new doctrine was quite consciously set in opposition to socialism as an alternate economic and democratic order to capitalism and as an unyielding defender of the institutions of private property. In its specific programmatic mandate, neoliberalism was an offspring of the Great Depression and set […]
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Social Justice community newsletter for February 13 to July 20, 2025. Read Now
Social Justice community newsletter for February 6 to 13, 2025. Read Now
Social Justice community newsletter for January 30 to February 6, 2025. Read Now