Bike lanes – consultation
The framework for bike lanes would enable provincial approval authority for the installation of new bike lanes on municipal roads, where the removal of a vehicle lane is required. It would also provide the ability to compel municipalities to collect and provide information to the province on existing bike lanes where a lane of traffic was removed.
Let the Government of Ontario know what you think of their proposal.
Permanent Residency & Rights, Not Cuts
The unprecedented rollback of permanent immigration levels announced on October 24 is a complete betrayal of the government’s commitments to migrants, undocumented people, and refugees.
Cutting permanent resident numbers is a direct assault on migrants who will be forced to remain temporary or become undocumented, pushed further into exploitative jobs. Families will be torn apart and the financial burden on our people will rise.
Let Gaza Live
When: Thursday, October 31st, 12pm
Please join us for a powerful panel discussion featuring Diana Buttu, Dr. Ahmed Abu Shaban, Dr. Sheryl Nestel, and Dr. Amgad Sharif.
Film screening: “Migrations”
When: November 1st, 7pm
For Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead), J4MW and the Migrant Farmworker Legal Clinic are screening a series of short films on migration. These films feature migrant workers and their families as they navigate life abroad, the challenges created by unjust systems and states, and how workers fight back.
Renewable Energy Future
When: November 2nd, 12pm
Where: Kew Gardens, 2075 Queen Street E.
Join other East End residents as we oppose the polluting Portlands Gas Plant in our neighbourhood … for everyone’s health!
At the event, we plan to draw attention to the health, economic, and environmental impacts of the Portlands Gas Plant in Toronto, the possibilities for renewable power, and engage local residents in taking climate action. This event also marks the first anniversary of the creation of our coalition.
terrecoalition.ca |
No Arms for Genocide
When: November 2nd, 1pm
Where: US Consulate, 360 University Ave
On November 2nd, we come together in coordination with PYM chapters across North America to demand an end to the US-backed genocide in Gaza and Canada’s involvement in these atrocities. Canada must end all arms exports, close the loopholes that enable untracked arms flows, and fully commit to ending support for the occupation and genocide in Gaza.
Gaza Square
When: Every Sunday, 11am to 1pm
Where: 371 Wallace Ave
We’ll be at Gaza square once again this Sunday morning with hot chocolate and coffee, buttons and posters, lawn signs and colourful chalk! Come say hi and meet your fellow neighbours/organizers as we make our presence known and continue to build safety in our community!
Instagram poster
Weekly Phone-zap for Palestine
When: Mondays at 12:30pm
Week after week, we’re keeping the momentum going with our Monday lunchtime zaps.
Our collective action is making waves, but we need to ensure our elected officials continue to feel the pressure until real change happens.
Instagram poster | Register at
Canadian Foreign Policy Hour with Yves Engler

When: Mondays at 6pm
Join author Yves Engler on Mondays for a weekly news roundup and interactive discussion about Canada’s role abroad. This weekly session will delve into the latest developments on subjects ranging from military affairs and Canada’s role in Ukraine to its contribution to Palestinian dispossession, and the exploitation of African resources. Join Yves for a critical take on Canada’s foreign policy. Questions, comments, and criticisms are all welcome.
Canada is Still Arming Israel
When: Monday, November 4th, 7pm
Join experts and movement organizers for a status update.
Heat Wave
When: Wednesday, November 6th, 7pm
Anti-semitism and murder in “Toronto the Good,” July 1936 provides the historical background for this mystery.
Heat Wave is the first book in the Paradise Café series, Jennings, whose Detective Murdoch books have been adapted into the TV series, Murdoch Mysteries.
Workers for Palestine
When: four Thursdays in November. Register by October 25th
Join Workers in Palestine and Labour Notes for a series of interactive online workshops focused on strengthening organising skills to build real and lasting support for Palestine in our workplaces and unions. Sessions will provide practical tools and real-world examples to help us organise to win.
Labour Arts Awards Gala
When: Friday November 29th, 6pm (Doors open 5:30pm)
Where: United Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil St
Tickets: $30 unemployed/$60 employed
Join us at the 2024 Labour Arts Awards Gala event where we will come together with labour activists and artists and enjoy dinner, entertainment, a silent auction and more. Bring your friends, local members and family.
This year’s event is in memory of the late artist Carole Condé (June 27, 1940 – July 19, 2024), one of Mayworks’s founders who was dedicated to building an art practice centered around revolutionary social change.
mayworks.ca |
Canada Must Act NOW to Stop Israeli War Crimes in Northern Gaza

We, the undersigned humanitarian, religious, community and civil society organizations from all over Canada, express profound alarm at the rapidly worsening situation in northern Gaza. Civilians are being burned alive in an ongoing campaign of violence that has reached unimaginable levels of brutality. The humanitarian infrastructure has completely collapsed – no clean water is available, with 37 water and sanitation facilities destroyed and more than 220 severely damaged. Waterborne diseases are spreading rapidly, endangering children’s lives disproportionately.
The Bullet No. 3051
Fighting for a Better Deal and a Better University

By Chris Little
I write as a rank-and-file member of CUPE 3903 at York University, Toronto, who works as a teaching assistant. Our recent round of bargaining and strike action has underscored some of the challenges that face us both as workers in our specific institution as well as in the higher education sector in Ontario and beyond. In particular, there is the nature of the university as a workplace; the ongoing and intensifying assault on democracy and ‘collegiality’ in the university; labour action amidst a historic cost of living crisis; and the questions of strategy posed by these issues and more in combination.
The Bullet No. 3052